Recent Projects

Asian Development Bank/Tetra Tech

Nov 2023 - Aug 2025

Viability assessment for wind power in Armenia including wind energy zones, wind measurement, environmental and social due diligence, preliminary grid integration and capacity building.

USAID/Tetra Tech

10/01/2022 - 09/30/2027

The objective of MESA is to strengthen Moldova’s energy security by: (1) advancing physical and market integration of the Moldovan energy sector with Europe; (2) increasing renewable energy (RE) integration; and (3) increasing investment in energy efficiency and domestic power generation, particularly through increased adoption of RE technologies.  IWE is supporting MESA in renewable energy development and grid integration of renewable energy.

USAID/Tetra Tech

10/01/2022 - 09/30/2027

SINAR aims to accelerate sustainable energy deployments in Indonesia.  IWE is supporting this project in the areas of:

  • Renewable energy development
  • Grid integration of renewable energy

USAID/Tetra Tech

12/2021 - 6/2026

USAID Bangladesh’s flagship clean energy project – BADGE – is working to improve energy security and resilience in Bangladesh by improving access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy systems, and promoting transparent and efficient energy markets.

USAID/Tetra Tech

2021-04-01 - 2025-09-30

IWE is providing assistance to the USAID Power Central Asia project in Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan in the areas of: Grid integration of renewables, grid code interconnection guidelines for RE, RE Zones, RE roadmap, resource assessment of renewables, RE forecasting, Sizing of Reserves, Battery Energy Storage Systems, Smart grid, Demand response, Digitization, and training and capacity building.

Asian Development Bank, Government of Bangladesh

2019-04-01 - 2021-03-31

The main objectives of the technical assistance are to:

Asian Development Bank, Government of Myanmar

2020-09-04 - 2021-09-03

The main objectives of the technical assistance are to:

USAID/Tetra Tech

2020-10-01 - 2022-09-30

Second phase of SURE.  Leading the grid integration workstream.  Areas of involvement:  Grid integration of variable renewable energy, integrating forecasting into unit commitment decisions, Policy differentiation between solar and wind forecasting requirements, Market operation support (dispatch interval), Percent deviation or tolerance band, Impact of percent deviation on absolute deviation (at state or grid level), and Point of prediction (not plant but sub-station level or grid node).  Countries of interest: Colombia, Mexico, India, Philippines and Vietnam.

USAID/Tetra Tech

2018-03-01 - 2021-08-31

IWE is providing assistance to the USAID Power the Future project in Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan in the areas of: Grid integration of renewables, grid code interconnection guidelines for RE, RE roadmap, planning and execution of reverse auction, assistance with technical issues in PPA, resource assessment of renewables, RE forecasting, Sizing of Reserves, Digitization, and training and capacity building.

General Energy Corporation, Illinois, USA

2012-02-01 - 2018-10-01

Owner’s engineer for 200 MW wind power project in Illinois from concept to development phase.  Project was sold to large utility in 2018.  Areas of involvement: Prospecting for regions with high wind resources, procurement and installation of 60m met-mast and management of data, bankable wind resource assessment, detailed financial model for investors, turbine selection, micrositing/turbine layout, obstruction of aviation airspace FAA study, bird and bat impact assessment, and interconnection application for the wind farm to connect to the PJM regional transmission operator.

USAID/Tetra Tech

2018-04-01 - 2020-12-31

Conducting an assessment of barriers to grid integration of variable renewable energy (VRE) with focus of forecasting.  Areas of involvement:  Integrating forecasting into unit commitment decisions, Policy differentiation between solar and wind forecasting requirements, Market operation support (dispatch interval), Percent deviation or tolerance band, Impact of percent deviation on absolute deviation (at state or grid level), and Point of prediction (not plant but sub-station level or grid node).  Countries of interest: Colombia, Mexico, India, Philippines and Vietnam.

Asian Development Bank, Government of Bhutan

Sept 2017 - December 2018
  1. Identifying locations for installation of wind and solar measurement systems
  2. Prepare bidding document
  3. Inspect and supervise installation of measurement systems
  4. Supervise resource map development

The objective of this project is to support the Government of Bhutan with the procurement and installation of wind and solar measurement stations assess wind and solar power potentials in Bhutan.

IPDP and Macquarie Bank

June 2017 - September 2017
  • Grid Integration study for integration of 30 MW of wind in two phases, 15 MW each in 2018 and 2019
  • Wind with Energy Storage
  • Transient Stability Analysis
  • Ramping analysis

The objectives are to determine the beneficial impact of energy storage in the integration of wind project into the grid.

Asian Development Bank

August 2015 - February 2016
  1. Power flow analysis
  2. Short-circuit analysis
  3. Transient stability analysis
  4. Enhancements to the system to ensure safe and reliable integration of wind

Objective and Purpose of the Assignment is to study the impact of the proposed West Timor Wind Farm on the existing power system.  Power systems analysis will be conducted using DigSILENT's PowerFactory.

Government of Guyana, Inter-American Development Bank

October 2015 - February 2016
  1. Select 6 sites for wind measurement
  2. Supervise and inspect met-mast installations
  3. Create quarterly wind data reports and conduct wind resource assessment
  4. Conduct training and capacity building

Government of Guyana has embarked on a non-conventional Renewable Energy Technologies (RET) program.  One of the components of the RET program is to assess the wind energy potential in Guyana.  This will be accomplished through installation of 4 meteorological towers for measurement of wind and other weather related parameters.  With one year of measurement data from the four towers, a detailed wind resource assessment and wind resource map can be developed.

Winrock International, US Dept. of Energy, NREL

February 2015 - June 2015
  1. Power flow/load flow analysis
  2. Short-circuit analysis
  3. Transient stability analysis
  4. Training to stakeholders

IWE was appointed consultant for Winrock’s project with the US Department of Energy and National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) for the Indonesia Clean Energy – Integrated Deployment Project.  IWE provided wind resource assessment, grid integration and wind project deployment consulting services.

IWE evaluated integration of one 850kW wind turbine in the eastern grid and up to five 850kW wind turbines in the East-West interconnected grid using DigSILENT's PowerFactory.  Use of energy storage was evaluated in order to provide stability to grid.

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

October 2014 - June 2015

Wind energy tariff and incentives for utility-scale and small-scale projects

Solar rooftop tariff and incentives

Evaluate alternatives like feed-in tariff based on production cost and based on avoided cost.

Report is available at:

In this project, feed-in tariff and other incentives for wind energy and solar PV rooftop for both utility- and small-scale was developed using a benefits based approach.  Consultations were conducted with all stakeholders including government, developers, utility and others.  Advice to the government of Indonesia on implementation of the feed-in tariff and scaling up renewable energy was provided.

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

April, 2012 - April, 2017

Under the QLW Project, Innovative Wind Energy, Inc. is contracted for three years to provide technical assistance to wind energy development in Philippines, Mongolia and Sri Lanka. The objectives are to accelerate wind energy development in Asia and the Pacific, with a focus on countries with large untapped wind power potential.

US Agency for International Development (USAID)/Tetra Tech ES, Inc.

July, 2013 - June, 2014

Under the ICED Project, Innovative Wind Energy, Inc. is working on Indonesia Wind Sector Impact Assessment. The objectives are to assist PLN (utility in Indonesia) in: (i) assessing wind resources at the proposed sites, (ii) analyzing the potential impacts on PLN’s power systems and determining the interconnection technical requirements for the proposed wind farms to ensure security, stability, and quality of the power grid, and (iii) recommending strategy for integrating the proposed wind farms into PLN’s power grid operation. This assignment will provide detailed assessment of the potential impacts of four distinct wind power projects, and develop recommendations to ensure that proposed wind farms can be interconnected and integrated into PLN’s power grids efficiently and cost-effectively.

Asian Development Bank (ADB)/Castle Rock

May, 2013 - April, 2015

Under Scaling Up Renewable Energy Access in Eastern Indonesia, Innovative Wind Energy, Inc. is providing technical assistance to the Indonesian provincial government of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), and the local government of Sumba Island to design and implement energy access programs based on renewable energy sources.

US Agency for International Development (USAID)/Tetra Tech ES, Inc.

August, 2010 - November, 2011
Under the SARI/E Project, Innovative Wind Energy, Inc. developed curriculum and delivered wind energy training in the areas of wind resource assessment, financial modelling of wind energy projects, contracts/PPA, siting of wind projects and related topics to participants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Three workshops were organized, two in Sri Lanka and one in Bangladesh.