IWE conducted a workshop on Wind resource assessment for PLN Renewable Energy Division, PLN Engineering, PLN Indonesia Power and PLN Nusantara Power on Dec 5-6, 2024.

IWE conducted a workshop for PLN Renewable Energy Division, PLN Engineering, PLN Indonesia Power and PLN Nusantara Power from Dec 3 to 4, 2024 in Jakarta.
Conducted a 4-day workshop on wind resource assessment as part of the USAID SINAR project.

Conducted wind resource assessment workshop in Makassar Indonesia, as part of USAID's SINAR project.

Delivered keynote on RE Grid Integration for Net Zero at the Vibrant Gujarat 2024 Summit in Gandhinagar Jan 10-12, 2024.
Wind Energy

Wind Energy Engineering, Second Edition
Author: Pramod Jain, President, Innovative Wind Energy, Inc.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, New York, April 2016
Links to book:
Publisher: http://www.mhprofessional.com/product.php?isbn=0071843841
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0071843841/
Chinese translation: http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=22904986
Recent Projects
Sustainable Energy For Indonesia’s Advancing Resilience (SINAR)
USAID/Tetra Tech
10/01/2022 - 09/30/2027Learn More
Bangladesh Advancing Development and Growth through Energy (BADGE)
USAID/Tetra Tech
12/2021 - 6/2026Learn More

IWE has in-depth expertise in digitalization of the power sector, through various client projects in these areas: Digital substation and IEC 61850 standards, smart grid, demand response, digitalization of system operations, renewable energy generation forecasting, FACTS and others.

Renewable energy projects can have a significant impact, especially as the penetration of RE grows in the grid. We have expertise in grid integration studies using DIgSILENT, Plexos and SAM for understanding the impact of RE on static and dynamic stability of the grid, dispatchablity of conventional generation and production cost.

Forte of IWE is Bankable Wind Resource Assessment. IWE uses the best science in the wind industry to create bankable wind assessments. We have in-depth expertise in creating detailed and accurate financial models for wind projects. We are meticulous about all aspects of the financial model, with an emphasis on modeling uncertainties.

Development of RE Zones is a cost-effective way to accelerate the development of Renewable Energy projects. IWE utilizes GIS-based modeling tools and multi-criteria approach to identifying the most attractive RE Zones based on resource density, cost of transmission build, cost of logistics and non-overlap with environmentally sensitive areas.

IWE has in-depth expertise in creating detailed and accurate financial models for wind projects. IWE is meticulous about all aspects of the financial model, with an emphasis on modeling uncertainties.
Blog Posts
The following statistics were collected in early 2024 for Global energy-related (not just electricity) CO2 emissions:
Cost of LDES
In the latest 1,000 MW wind auction conducted by the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), the lowest bids were Rs 2.64 (USD 0.0404) per kWh by ReNew for 250 MW and Orange for 200 MW. To round
In Kauai island of Hawaii, AES is installing 28 MW of solar PV with 20 MW/100 MWh of battery for $0.11/kWh. In 2015, 13 MW solar PV with 52 MWh battery from SolarCity was signed for $0.145/kWh.
GE has published a good website with all the resources related to enhancing asset performance.
US Energy Information Administration (US-EIA) reported that for the first time in about 40 years, transportation sector emitted more CO2 than the power sector.