
Business of wind energy

IWE wind resource assessment and grid integration work featured as Small Business Partner by Tetra Tech

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Work done by Innovative Wind Energy, Inc was featured at "Small Business Openhouse" event.  The wind resource assessment and grid integration work done by IWE as a subcontractor to Tetra Tech in Indonesia for the USAID Indonesia Clean Energy Development project is highlighted.

High penetration of renewable energy in island grids

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At the Asia Clean Energy Forum 2015, ADB, Manila, presented this topic. High penetration of RE requires the following:

a. Identified reserve power sources that can do load following on the net load (=load minus variable generation)

b. Some amount storage to the grid for primary frequency response and if required load shifting/peak shaving

c. For higher stability, storage can provide “bridge energy” to allow cold start of diesel generators in response to disturbances

d. Hybrid controllers that manage wind, solar, storage, diesel plants

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SERIG contract in Indonesia

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IWE has been appointed consultant for Winrock’s project with the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) for the Indonesia Clean Energy – Integrated Deployment (SERIG) Project.  IWE will provide wind resource assessment, grid integration and wind project deployment consulting services.

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RE tariff for Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

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Pramod Jain is a consultant on ADB's technical assistance on determining tariff for wind energy and rooftop solar.  Activities include: Recommend tariff and incentives for wind energy and solar PV rooftop for both utility- and small-scale; conduct consultations with all stakeholders including government, developers, utility and others; advice on scaling up renewable energy; tradeoff of various sources of renewable energy.

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Promotion of Utility Scale Renewable Energy Applications

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At the Asia Clean Energy Forum 2014, Pramod Jain was a panelist on June 18 in the "Promotion of Utility Scale Renewable Energy Applications" session.  He spoke about challenges of developing economically viable utility-scale wind projects in new and emerging wind markets.  Experiences from Quantum Leap in Wind Power in Asia and the Pacific were presented.

Guidelines for Wind Resource Assessment: Best Practices for Countries Initiating Wind Development

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The Asian Development Bank released a publication "Guidelines for Wind Resource Assessment: Best Practices for Countries Initiating Wind Development".  Pramod Jain is the lead author. It may be downloaded from:


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USTDA Contract

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For the Energy Sector Activities IDIQ Contract of USTDA (US Trade and Development Agency), Innovative Wind Energy, Inc. is pleased to be subcontractor to Tetra TechIWE will provide expertise in the area of Wind power generation for select developing and middle-income economies across five regions: East Asia; Latin American and the Caribbean; Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and Eurasia; South and Southeast Asia; and, Sub-Saharan Africa. 

IWE to chair session at ADB's Regional Training Workshop on Large Scale Wind Power Integration in Beijing

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Pramod Jain will chair "Emerging Technologies and Approaches to Wind Power Integration and Mainstreaming," with presentations from Yao Hongchun of China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI), Dr Chen Ning of Chinese Society of Electrical Engineers and Dr Cao Xiao of CEPRI on Sept. 24, 2013. More details ...

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