Utility-Scale Battery Energy Storage Systems
Submitted by Pramod Jain on Thu, 06/09/2022 - 00:21Authored a whitepaper for USAID Power Central Asia project. It was translated into Russian and published as booklet.
Business of wind energy
Authored a whitepaper for USAID Power Central Asia project. It was translated into Russian and published as booklet.
IWE participated in 3 sessions
1. RE Zones Methodology: Case studies in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
2. Grid integration of renewable energy
3. Deep dive workshop on RE Zones
Participated in USAID-BADGE (Bangladesh Advancing Development and Growth through Energy) workshop on DE-RISKING RENEWABLE ENERGY INVESTMENTS. Topics covered included:
• Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Study
• Technology (Utility-Scale Solar, Wind & Hybrid Project)
• Generation Forecasting
• Maintenance and Monitoring Systems
USAID’s Power the Future (PtF) Activity organized a site visit to Kerbulak-2 wind power plant (WPP) in Kapshagay, Almaty region for 30 faculty members of Almaty University for Power Engineering and Telecommunications (AUPET). The goal of the event was to share practical knowledge and experience about wind turbine components, installation, operations, maintenance, and grid connection. During the visit, participants had the opportunity to closely observe how the WPP is operated and maintained and ask questions about the plant’s needs and grid impacts from plant operators.
Participated in a roundtable in Aktau with the stakeholders in the power sector of Mangystau on the topic of Renewable Energy Zones
RenPower Uzbekistan 2021 Conference. Dec 2-3, 2021.
Presenting Managing grid integration of renewable energy in Uzbekistan: Challenges and Opportunities
Presenting at InnoWeek 2021, Nov '21, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. https://www.innoweek.uz/
The future of green hydrogen for seasonal energy storage in grids with high penetration of VRE/net-zero emissions
Conducted Renewable Energy Zones workshop in Tajikistan under USAID Power Central Asia project.
"I am very appreciative of Pramod Jain and the Innovative Wind Energy, Inc team's hard work and perseverance." Marina Barnett, Senior Program Coordinator, Energy Utility Partnership Program, U.S. Energy Association.