
Business of wind energy

IoT in the power sector: Opportunities in Asia and the Pacific

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AsianPower magazine published "IoT in the power sector: Opportunities in Asia and the Pacific" on September 15, 2017.  It is authored by Pramod Jain and Arun Ramamurthy.  For details see

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Panelist in "Staging Roadmap to Renewable Energy Integration Forum" CARILEC, Montego Bay, Jamaica

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Presented "Future of Renewable Energy Integration" during the Engineering Conference, Reengineering Our Energy Future: Utility in a Disruptive Age.  The panel included:

  • Mr. Ricardo Case, Head of Systems Operations, JPS
  • Dr. Pramod Jain, President, Innovative Wind Energy Inc
  • Mr. Billy Yancey, VP of Product Management Electric Power Engineers
  • Dr. John Zack, Vice President of Grid Solutions, AWS True Power


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Green Energy Finance Deep Dive Workshop at Asia Clean Energy Forum 2017

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The Green Energy Finance deep dive workshop was attended by more than 50 participants.  There were three main conclusions of the session.  One, bankable wind resource assessment is key to project financing of wind project.  Second, project financiers closely examine the uncertainty of energy production and the associated financial risk.  Third, tariffs for wind energy are on a downward slide around the world, and several countries in Asia are considering reverse auction for wind projec

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