The Quantum Leap in Wind Power Development in Asia and the Pacific (QLW) deep dive workshop will focus on: How can emerging wind markets in Asia and the Pacific accelerate wind power development? The ambitious goals and commitments made in COP 21 will be translated into action in the coming years. Wind power provides the lowest cost clean energy technology, as evidenced by falling PPA prices and falling reverse auction prices for wind energy. This workshop promises to bring, from around the world, wind power experts, senior government officials, senior utility officials, wind developers and financiers to share experiences, best practices and insights about wind power development. Presenters will discuss barriers, solutions to overcoming barriers and recommendations for changes to policies, tariffs, interconnection, permitting, land acquisition, financing and others. The workshop will share lessons, best practices and recommendations in order to accelerate wind development. All facets of wind project development will be covered: Prospecting, wind resource assessment, siting/engineering, turbine technology, financing, and others.
9:00 – 9:35 AM Welcome address - Dr Priyantha Wijayatunga, Chair of Asia Clean Energy Forum, ADB
Keynote address - Dr Jitu Shah, ADB
9:35 – 10:30 AM Country presentations on wind power development: Status, challenges and opportunities
Chair: Pramod Jain, Innovative Wind Energy, Inc.
- Mongolia, Mr. Angarag, Ministry of Energy
- India, Mr. Rakesh Kumar Goyal, Tetra Tech ES
- Indonesia, Mr. Ishak Burhani Nasution, PLN
- Philippines, Mr. Mario Marasigan, OIC Assistant Secretary of DOE Philippines
- Sri Lanka, Mr. Ranjith Pathmasiri, SL Sustainable Energy Authority
- Thailand, Mr. Iban Vendrell, Mott McDonald
- Vietnam, Mr. Mike Ellis, Deloitte Consulting, USAID Vietnam Low Emissions Energy Program
10:30 – 11:00AM Break
11:00 – 12:30PM Case studies of wind resource assessment. Chair: Mr. Upali Daranagama, Former Additional Secretary (Planning), Ministry of Power and Energy, Sri Lanka
- Mongolia: Mr. Bavuudorj, Ministry of Energy
- Philippines: Mr. Fortunato Sibayan, Department of Energy
- Sri Lanka: Mr. Gayan Subasinghe, United Nations Development Programme
- Wind Resource Assessment: Key lessons learned, Dr. Pramod Jain, QLW & Innovative Wind Energy, Inc.
12:30 – 2:00 PM Lunch
2:00 – 3:30 PM Accelerating wind power deployments from Government & Utility perspectives and the impact of COP21. This panel discussion will include representatives from governments, policy makers and utilities. Chair: Mr. Mukhtor Khamudkhanov, Principal Energy Specialist, ADB
- Experiences of rapid wind development in the Philippines. Mr. Mario Marasigan, OIC Assistant Secretary of DOE Philippines
- Experiences with wind policies in Vietnam. Mr. Mike Ellis, Deloitte Consulting, USAID Vietnam Low Emissions Energy Program
- Experiences with grid integration in Sri Lanka. Ms. Kamani Jayasekera, Dy General Manager Transmission and Generation Planning, Ceylon Electricity Board, Sri Lanka
- Experiences with grid integration in the Philippines. Mr. Vincente Loria, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines
- Experiences of utilities in managing wind power: Reserves, transmission and dispatching. Dr Clayton Barrows, NREL
3:30 – 4:00 PM Break
4:00 – 5:30 PM Accelerating wind power deployments from Developer, Manufacturer and Financier perspectives. This panel discussion will include representatives from wind power developers, consulting companies, turbine manufacturers and financiers. Chair: Mr. Ashok Bhargava, Director Energy, East Asia Department, ADB - Desideratum of developers: Best practices to reduce time and cost. Mr. Edgare Kerkwijk, Asia Green Capital
- Experiences with wind development in the Philippines: Developer’s perspective. Mr. Reman Chua, Energy Development Corporation.
- New technologies for emerging wind markets: Turbines for lower wind speed regimes, grid friendliness. Mr. Gil Opina, Vestas
- Differences in market for wind turbines in developing compared to developed wind markets, Mr. Thierry Delmas, Gamesa
- Laos' first wind farm, a 600MW wind energy development, - infusing clean energy to a sustainable Asean Grid future, Mr. Somboon Lertsuwannaroj, Impact Electrons Siam.