Submitted by Pramod Jain on Fri, 06/17/2011 - 12:38 Please provide feedback about the Second ADB Quantum Leap in Wind Conference How did you find out about this year's Quantum Leap conference? * E-mail invitation from ADB Referred by colleague ADB website Other USAID ECO-Asia website ( What was your primary reason for attending the Quantum Leap in Wind Workshop? * Learning about latest wind energy developments Opportunity for networking Invitation by ADB Specific topics/speakers Other How useful did you find the Quantum Leap in Wind Workshop? * High Medium Low Did the Quantum Leap in Wind Workshop meet your expectation? * Fell short of expectation Met expectation Exceeded expectation How satisfactory did you find the forum venue and logistics? * Less Satisfactory Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent Please indicate the sector you work in: * Government Civil Society/ NGO Private Sector-Project Developer Private Sector-Bank or Investor Private Sector-Other Academia/Research Other Please indicate your region * Southeast Asia South Asia East Asia West Asia Central Asia North America Australia/ New Zealand/ Pacific Europe South America Africa Other Did you make a business or research or institutional connection while you were here? * Yes No Do you have comments that you would like us to include in the summary that you could not make in public (all responses will be kept confidential) and suggestions on how we could improve “Quantum Leap in Wind” Workshop next year? * Rate Presentations/Sessions Introduction and Objectives * High Medium Low NA Keynote Address: Overview of Global and Asia Pacific Wind Market * High Medium Low NA Mongolia * High Medium Low NA Philippines * High Medium Low NA Thailand * High Medium Low NA Bangladesh * High Medium Low NA Sri Lanka * High Medium Low NA Pacific Islands * High Medium Low NA Pakistan * High Medium Low NA Central and West Asia * High Medium Low NA India * High Medium Low NA Peoples Republic of China * High Medium Low NA Energy Security, Renewables and Role of Wind * High Medium Low NA Policy Prescription for a Quantum Leap in Wind in Asia * High Medium Low NA Why Policy Alone is Not Enough for Developers * High Medium Low NA Money, Money Everywhere - Why Can't I Get My Project Financed? * High Medium Low NA Breakout session 1 * High Medium Low NA Designing Effective Incentives * High Medium Low NA Importance of Supporting Infrastructure and Other Factors * High Medium Low NA Role of Institutions and Regional Cooperation * High Medium Low NA Banking on Wind–Resource Assessment * High Medium Low NA Breakout session 2 * High Medium Low NA Optional Your Name Your email Submit