Wind PPA prices, cost and other 2015 data in US

The 2015 Wind Technologies Market Report from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab was released this month.  My takeaway from the report are:

  1. 8.598 GW of wind power was added in 2015. which amounted to $14.5 billion investment
  2. Wind power was 41% of electricity generating capacity additions in 2015
  3. Wind penetration is slightly above 5% of total electricity generation
  4. Project finance environment was strong in 2015: After-tax Tax Equity yield was about 7.5% and after-tax 15-year debt interest rate was about 2.5%
  5. In 2015, average rotor diameter crossed 100m.  Average hub height was slightly above 80m.  Average nameplate capacity was slightly above 2 MW
  6. Average specific power of wind turbines was about 250 W/m2
  7. Average capacity factor of wind plants in 2014 was close to 42%
  8. Average 2015 price of wind turbine was $1,100/kW
  9. Average 2015 total installed cost of wind power plant was $1,690/kW
  10. Average 2015 O&M costs were close to $8/MWh for projects built in 2014
  11. Average 2015 PPA was $38/MWh, based on sample of 6 projects of total capacity of 401 MW.  It was much higher than 2014 PPA of $23/MWh and 2016 PPA of below $20/MWh.  The 2016 sample was based on 2 projects.
  12. The forecasted amount of wind power additions until 2020 is 8 GW per year.